3 Security Options Lenders May Ask For When Arranging A Business Loan

Whilst commercial lawyers may not provide detailed financial advice along the lines that accountants or tax lawyers might do, however Rowe Bristol Lawyers are an important source of advice when it comes to certain financial transactions a business might enter into, especially concerning the legal implications of them.

One such financial transaction is when a business seeks and receives a loan or other form of credit, where the lender requires security on the loan. This is akin to a mortgage company securing the mortgage they lend a homeowner to purchase their home against that property. In this article, we will explore secure business loans and specifically outline the three main types of security that banks and other lenders will normally accept.

Why Businesses Need To Raise Capital

There are several reasons why a business may need to raise capital in the form of a loan, credit, or even a mortgage. In addition, borrowing in whatever form it takes is far more common within the commercial world than many people realise. The view is that, given many companies are worth millions of dollars they would not need to borrow money, but that is a mistaken assumption.

Even for a corporate giant, much of its worth might be in stock, land, commercial properties, machinery, and intellectual property to name but a few, and it is often the case that its liquid assets, aka cash, are low by comparison. This can also apply to small businesses on a much lesser scale, but the principle is still the same. If a business, large or small, wishes to raise cash, then the main option they have is to borrow it. That cash could be required for the following reasons:

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How to create a cohesive brand identity across multiple platforms

How to create a cohesive brand identity across multiple platforms

Alright, brand builders and consistency crusaders, buckle up! We’re about to embark on a wild ride through the world of cohesive brand identity. We’re talking about making your brand more recognizable than your own reflection, across more platforms than a gymnast at the Olympics.

But first, let me spin you a yarn from the branding trenches. Picture this: It’s 2017, and I’m working with a client who sells… wait for it… artisanal, hand-crafted dog bow ties. (Yes, that’s a thing. No, I don’t know why dogs need to be dapper, but here we are.) We had a beautiful logo, a sleek website, and a killer Instagram feed. We thought we were nailing this whole brand identity thing.

Then, we ventured onto LinkedIn. In our rush to appear “professional,” we abandoned our playful brand voice and whimsical visuals. The result? A profile that looked like it belonged to a stuffy corporate law firm, not a quirky pet accessory brand. Our followers were more confused than a cat in a dog park.

Turns out, consistency isn’t just about using the same logo everywhere. It’s about maintaining your brand’s essence across all platforms, even when you’re trying to put your best paw forward. Who knew?

So, how do you create a brand identity that’s more cohesive than a family of glue stick manufacturers? Well, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage (or a glass of wine, I don’t judge), and let’s dive into the art of creating a cohesive brand identity across multiple platforms!

  1. Start with a Solid Brand Foundation

Before you start plastering your brand all over the internet like an overenthusiastic wallpaper hanger, you need to establish a solid brand foundation. Think of it as the bedrock of your brand – without it, everything else is just going to sink into the marketing quicksand.

Here’s what you need to nail down:

  • Brand Purpose: Why does your brand exist? (Besides making money, of course.) It’s like your brand’s reason for getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Brand Values: What does your brand stand for? These are like your brand’s moral compass. Without them, you’re just wandering aimlessly in the business wilderness.
  • Brand Personality: If your brand was a person, who would they be? The cool aunt? The reliable best friend? The quirky neighbor? Give your brand a personality that’s more defined than a Marvel superhero.
  • Target Audience: Who are you talking to? Get specific. “Everyone” is not a target audience. It’s a pipedream.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes you special? In a world of copycats, be the original. It’s like finding your brand’s superpower.

I once worked with a client who couldn’t define their brand personality. “We want to be everything to everyone,” they said. I told them that’s like trying to be a fish and a bird at the same time – you’ll end up doing neither well. We eventually settled on “the wise but approachable mentor,” and their messaging immediately became clearer than a window after a visit from a professional cleaner.

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Why Commercial Storage Units Can Be A Huge Help To Retail Businesses

Why Commercial Storage Units Can Be A Huge Help To Retail Businesses

Managing inventory can be challenging for retail businesses, especially smaller retailers. We want to examine how commercial storage units can greatly help retail businesses.

Commercial storage units come in many sizes, and the services offered therein can vary depending on each storage facility. However, most reputable storage facilities have various options and services that virtually all small to medium-sized retailers could benefit from. This blog post will explore those benefits and why retail businesses should seriously consider them.

Increased Storage Space For Stock

The most apparent benefit of using a storage facility is that it provides additional space. Retail businesses require ample storage space for their inventory, and a storage facility can offer just that, especially in circumstances where the retail unit the business operates from has limited storage space. By renting a storage unit, retailers can also free up valuable space in their store, which can be used to showcase products, expand the store’s layout, or accommodate more customers.

More Secure Storage Of Inventory

Security is a top priority for retail businesses, especially when storing valuable merchandise, such as electronic equipment, jewelry, quality furniture, and antiques. Storage facilities offer a secure storage solution for retail businesses with concerns that their current premises lack robust security.

Most modern storage facilities are equipped with surveillance cameras, security gates, and high-quality locks on units to ensure the safety of stored items. Additionally, some facilities have digital keypad locks and may even have security staff on-site to provide even greater peace of mind for retailers using those storage facilities.

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What is user experience web design?

User experience design, or UX, UXD or UED, is a web design and development principal that places full importance on design practices that are centred around the user. This involves using specific techniques that aim to result in a design that adheres to the common behavioural practices of the intended target audience of the website. Good user experience web design should meet both the goals and desires of the users, as well as the goals of the company or entity behind the website.

The user is the central concern when it comes to UX. It greatly assists designers and clients in working together when it comes to making changes and new developments to a website. When both parties agree that the design should focus on the user, personal preferences can be put aside in favour of a more common sense and logical approach.

Rather than coming up with a web design that simply looks pretty, as can so often happen when a new site is designed either with or without input from the client, a UX design approach means that the design comes together based on the problems that have been identified in the planning and research process. This means that the overall purpose of every aspect of the site should be considered and thought about in detail before any aspect of the design is undertaken.

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Avoid These 3 SEO Tactics That Will Flag You As A Spammer To Google

In the race to get to the top of Google’s rankings, many techniques and tactics can be utilised. The vast majority of them are legitimate and whether it is you who implement them or an  SEO agency like SPE, none of them should cast you in a bad light in the eyes of Google. In fact, they are more likely to give your rankings a boost.

Unfortunately, not everyone plays by Google’s rules, and instead of following an SEO campaign that is whiter than white, they instead use blackhat tactics that seek to create a shortcut to high rankings. Frustratingly, some of these underhand SEO techniques work, but only temporarily, and as Google’s algorithms are so advanced, SEO spammers being caught is almost a certainty.

When Google does catch spammers it has several ways of punishing them, ranging from a drop in their ranking to delisting a website from their search results completely. if you are wondering how severe that is, it is the equivalent of a retail store being removed from the mall, or a commercial lawyer’s office being locked permanently, and the key being thrown away.

We must point out that there are occasions when a business will use SEO spamming inadvertently because they were either misinformed or simply were not aware that what they doing was wrong. Unfortunately, as with criminal law, Google’s law means ignorance is no defence, so to enlighten you somewhat, here are three SEO spamming tactics which you must avoid at all costs.

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Importance Of Effective Branding To Enhancing A Divorce Lawyer’s Income

Divorce lawyers are not likely to be the first that comes to mind when considering business sectors and professions that you would immediately associate with marketing and branding. You might see the occasional local ad, but when it comes to the internet and online marketing, a divorce lawyer and their law firm will rarely dominate Facebook or Google.

This begs the question, “Why not?”. We ask that because, given that almost all divorce lawyers operate within a finite local market, the internet and online marketing are primed for divorce lawyers to promote themselves and, more importantly, brand themselves within their local catchment area.

The point we are making is, just as local businesses like restaurants, landscapers, removalists, and pressure cleaners use digital marketing to build an online audience, augment their brand, and as a result, generate more leads, prospects, and clients, local divorce lawyers can do likewise.

Further,  the nature of what divorce lawyers do and the fees they earn for representing their clients give them an even greater incentive to brand themselves locally using digital marketing. For example, whilst someone visiting a restaurant might run up a bill of $200, a divorce lawyer’s fee from a single client could be $2,000 and more.

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7 Tips For Law Firms To Secure The Best Results From PPC Advertising

7 Tips For Law Firms To Secure The Best Results From PPC Advertising

For any law firm seeking a digital marketing strategy that is one of the most targeted and quickest ways to generate traffic to their website, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has to be one of the prime options. PPC can assist in increasing the brand awareness of your law firm in your local catchment area, it can target leads so that they are more qualified when they first make contact, and most significantly, it can produce leads that convert better.

We are sure every lawyer reading that would agree those are very attractive benefits of running a PPC campaign. However, the fly in the ointment is that PPC ads have to be planned and created properly. Unfortunately, many PPC campaigns fail because the requisite planning has not been done. Thereafter, the optimisation required to make the ads perform even better is missing too.

For any law firms who wish to ensure that their PPC ads work as well as they hope and thus create a satisfactory return on ad spend investment, there are some relatively simple tips and tactics you can employ to achieve those. Below we have outlined seven of those tips which are proven to improve the results of PPC campaigns for law firms.

Find The Best Keywords: For any PPC ad to be successful, you must find the right keywords. These must be relevant to the legal services you offer and include associated terms and phrases. Use synonyms and longtail keywords to add to the potential numbers of keywords and keyword phrases you can target.

Include Applicable Negative Keywords: This tells Google what keywords you do not want your ad to appear for. For example, the search term “law firm in Perth WA”, you would want, but “commercial law firm in Perth WA”, you would make a negative keyword if you were a divorce or wills lawyer.

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Why Great Content Is Essential For Marketing Family Lawyer Businesses

Why Great Content Is Essential For Marketing Family Lawyer Businesses

Family lawyers have numerous ways to market themselves and their family law practice online. These include social media, PPC advertising, and SEO, to name but three. However, there is one kind of marketing that might not grab the headlines in the same way these do, but which many expert digital marketers believe is not only highly effective but essential.

The marketing we are referring to is content marketing, and it first begs the question, “What is content?”. Arguably, anything you publish online could be considered content which would include everything from a 100-page eBook to a 10-word post on Facebook.

However, when it comes to genuine content marketing, there are specific forms of content that are used, and they are used for different purposes. That being said, your first task is not deciding what content you should use but answering an even more crucial question.

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5 Steps For Lawyers To Create An Effective Social Media Campaign

5 Steps For Lawyers To Create An Effective Social Media Campaign

For any lawyers contemplating starting a social media marketing campaign, one online marketing channel that you must seriously consider is social media. In recent years social media has got to the point that, for many individuals, it has a greater influence on their life than traditional media does.

You just need to consider that more than 50% of the world’s population uses social media and that social media has now overtaken traditional online advertising, such as paid search ads, with an annual spending of over 180 billion dollars. If you focus on the local area that you might wish to target using social media, it follows that the majority of your audience loves social media and that much of your competition will already be harnessing the marketing power of social media.

Business owners in general, and lawyers in particular, often cited as a reason for them not yet adding social media to their digital marketing armoury their lack of know-how in terms of the best way to start using social media as a marketing channel. The key point here is that social media can be used in so many different ways. There is no single way. Instead, several best practices can maximise returns from social media.

We obviously cannot go through every one of them in this article, but instead will highlight five key steps that every law firm, including yours, can use to create a social media marketing campaign and, in doing so, make social media an essential part of your client acquisition efforts.

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10 Office Chair Types And The Reasons For Buying Each Of Them

10 Office Chair Types And The Reasons For Buying Each Of Them

If there is one item of commercial furniture from Atama Furniture that gets purchased more than others, and where there is the most diversity in terms of product choices, it is hard to argue against that being the office chair. Many items of office furniture could be regarded as useful, but not essential, but surely the office chair is one which every business needs, whether that be one chair or hundreds.

We mentioned that the choices surrounding office chairs are considerable, and that applies not just to specific types of office chairs but also materials, sizes, styles, and prices. It is understandable that, when it comes to the point where you have to select which office chair or chairs you are going to purchase, you might be somewhat perplexed as to which is the right one for you and your business.

To attempt to allay some of that confusion we thought it would be useful to highlight ten of the most popular office chair types and provide you with a brief explanation of their features and their uses. We hope this helps you make a more informed choice when selecting the office chair most suited to your needs.

Office Chair #1 – Executive: These are premium chairs that will primarily be used by CEOs and senior managers within a business. They are usually made with high-quality materials, are well-cushioned, and can be adjusted in several ways.

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Why You Should Call In Professionals If Your Office Carpets Are Wet

Why You Should Call In Professionals If Your Office Carpets Are Wet

Your office’s carpets can become wet due to many causes, and if they do, your priority should be having your carpets dried and professionally cleaned. Carpets left wet, or even damp, for a prolonged period can incur all kinds of problems, including mould, smells, large stains, and damage beyond repair, meaning that the carpet or carpets must be replaced entirely.

As we mentioned, wet carpets can occur for many reasons, and knowing what type of water your carpets are soaked with will play a significant factor in determining the course of action your cleaning company will take. Advised by the carpet cleaning professionals Brilliance Carpet Cleaning Perth, here are the three main types of water.

“Black” Water: This is not necessarily a reference to its colour but more to the fact that this type of water can be highly toxic and a danger to the health of anyone in its vicinity. The sources for this type of water include sewers, which have become backed up and contaminated standing water.

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7 Signs Your Business Needs To Hire A Professional High Pressure Cleaning Company

7 Signs Your Business Needs To Hire A Professional High Pressure Cleaning Company

If you run a business and you either own your business premises or are responsible for their upkeep, there are numerous ways that it can be done, and when it comes to looking after the exteriors, high pressure cleaning is often the most effective option. Not only can it be the most effective cleaning method, but it can also prove to be an investment rather than a cost, due to the benefits it generates.

For those business owners and CEOs reading this who have never considered the use of high pressure cleaning services, it could be that you are not sure whether your business premises need them. That is reasonable given that, in any scenario, unless you are aware of the problems, you are going to be even less aware of the solutions.

For this reason, we have outlined seven signs that business owners should be looking for, and which will tell them that their need for a high pressure cleaning company to resolve the issues that are occurring on the exterior of their business premises is upon them.

Your Business Does Not Own Any High Pressure Cleaning Equipment

It might seem an obvious point but, if your company does not own high-pressure cleaning equipment, nor has anyone skilled enough to use a high pressure washer, then the only option is to hire a professional pressure cleaning company.

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3 Business Sectors That Use Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

If you take a moment to think about all the structures, machines, and industrial apparatus around the world that are held together in some way or another by nuts and bolts, then the count must be billions, and many of those nuts and bolts will have been tightened by a hydraulic torque wrench. It is just one of four of the main industrial torque wrenches that are widely used.

Torque wrenches came into being just over 100 years ago when a New York City Water Department employee named Conrad Bahr realised he needed a tool more appropriate than normal wrenches for tightening the bolts on water pipes. Since then torque wrenches have been responsible for ensuring the safety and structural integrity of many things that can be found in business and industrial settings.

Four Types Of Industrial Torque Wrenches


The hydraulics for these torque wrenches are generated either by an electrical or a pneumatic pump. Used where powerful torque limits are required, they are often required to tighten extremely large bolts and nuts. One other main benefit is that as a hydraulic torque wrench is separate from the pump, it can be used in tighter spaces than electric or pneumatic torque wrenches.


Powered by electricity there is therefore a need for a power outlet to be available where the torque wrench is being used. They are more accurate than other types of torque wrenches and often have data readouts that allow engineers to monitor their use.

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Your 10-Step Guide For Ensuring A Successful Office Relocation

7 Office Relocation Mistakes You Cannot Afford To Make

Regardless of the size of your business, if you decide to relocate, it has significant consequences. Thankfully, the vast majority of those consequences are positive. However, there can also be negative consequences of relocating, which tend to occur due to mistakes made leading up to the move and on the day of the move. You want to avoid those mistakes, so here are seven of the most common, which also happen to be the ones that can be the most costly.

Not Hiring Professional Removalists: If we were asked what is the worst mistake a business can make regarding relocating, it would be this one. Trying to do it yourself or using cheap labour is simply not going to work and will more likely lead to chaos. Professionals from Brilliance Removalists Melbourne can help plan your move, provide the correct packing materials, offer a packing service, and be insured against mishaps.

Insufficient Planning And Preparation: This applies to any project you undertake, but the fallout from little or no planning can be enormous in the case of relocation. Planning will help the move run smoothly and allow time for hitting removalists and office cleaners. Without a plan or proper preparation, the day of the move will be chaotic. You will undoubtedly annoy many people you do not wish to, such as your staff and current and future landlord, and your customers could be adversely affected, too.

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How To Turn Ambitious Employees Into Future Leaders Within Your Landscaping Business

How To Turn Ambitious Employees Into Future Leaders Within Your Landscaping Business

Just like the landscapers who are running their own landscaping business, if you have the goal of growing your business, there are certain key principles that you must follow for those ambitions to be realised. Many will relate to marketing, enhancing your brand, increasing sales, offering world-class customer service, and taking steps to ensure that the first landscaping business anyone in your area thinks of is yours.

What all of those have in common is that they directly impact the profits that your landscaping business makes, and it should go without saying that a business that does not make a profit is unlikely to be growing. However, not all your focus should be on your bottom line, because there are other elements and assets within your landscaping business that will make huge contributions to the success and subsequent growth of that business.

At the forefront of these are the people who work for you and with you and without whom it is probable your business would not be able to operate as successfully as it does. We are sure you treat your employees well, pay them a fair wage, and try to create a great working relationship with them. Despite all of that being laudable, a question you must ask yourself concerns what steps are you taking to develop your employees.

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All You Need To Know About Using Hot Water Extraction To Clean Office Carpets

All You Need To Know About Using Hot Water Extraction To Clean Office Carpets

If you are a business owner who has concluded that the carpets in your premises require cleaning, then you have several options open to you. Commercial cleaning by gleamcleanwa.com.au for carpets can be done in many ways and one of them is hot water extraction. Hot water extraction may sound like a term you would associate with a dentist than with carpet cleaning, but rest assured it is a highly effective way of cleaning the carpets in your offices and other areas of your commercial premises.

In this article, we are going to briefly explain what hot water extraction is, how it gets your commercial carpets clean, and the benefits of using it. One point before we start though is that if you want the best results from hot water extraction, then we recommend you only use professional commercial carpet cleaners rather than you or your staff trying it yourself. Using the pros means you are guaranteed clean carpets.

What is Hot Water Extraction?

In truth, hot water extraction, or HWE, is not as technical an operation as it sounds. It works by injecting hot water, which is under extremely high pressure, into carpets. Under these conditions, the water, along with small amounts of mild detergent, comes into contact with the fibres of the carpet with such a force, that it can dislodge dirt, dust, and stains.

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10 Questions You Must Ask Before Entering Into A Franchise Agreement

Franchise businesses are one of many ways in which commercial law allows someone who has money to invest, to start a business. Some of the most recognisable business names in the world are run on a franchise basis such as McDonald’s, KFC, Subway, and Hertz. Beyond these global giants which require an upfront investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars, there are thousands of smaller franchise opportunities that can be purchased for a lot less.

However, simply because a franchise opportunity does not cost a six-figure sum to get started, it does not mean that every one of them is the right choice for you. even Small franchises will set you back a sizable sum, so you must ensure that before you make your final decision to invest, that you carry out several checks on the franchise. In particular, there are ten questions to which you want answers from lawyers before signing on the dotted line.

What Is The Success Rate Of Franchisees?

Probably the first question you need answering is how well are the current franchisees are doing and what is their success rate. If you can, speak to the current franchisees yourself to learn of their experiences thus far with the franchise.

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Your 10-Step Guide For Ensuring A Successful Office Relocation

Exploring The Five Key Techniques of Commercial Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning

When you engage the services of a professional cleaning company to revitalize the carpets and upholstery in your commercial space, the selection of the cleaning methods becomes a critical factor. This decision will be influenced by variables such as the kind of carpet or upholstery fabric, the extent of the accumulated dirt and stains, the urgency of the task, and the financial resources allocated for this purpose. Keep in mind that not all cleaning techniques carry the same price tag.

Depending on the tools, experience, and workforce a cleaning company possesses, it might adopt from a pool of several techniques. However, the majority of commercial cleaning companies typically have a repertoire of five principal methods. This article provides insights into these primary carpet and upholstery cleaning procedures.

Dry Powder Technique

This method, suitable for both carpets and upholstery, particularly shines when dealing with water-sensitive materials that could be adversely affected by other water-based cleaning methods. The process is straightforward. A dry powder is evenly distributed over the carpet or upholstery and allowed to sit for approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

The powder penetrates the surface and works its magic by breaking down the dirt particles. Following this, a high-suction vacuum cleaner is used to remove the powder. The more potent the vacuum, the more effective the cleaning. A key advantage is the non-existence of a drying phase after vacuuming.

Foam/Encapsulation Method

This process introduces a cleaning solution that transforms into foam when applied to the carpet or upholstery using a rotating brush. The foam penetrates the fibres, initiating the breakdown of dirt and stains.

The foam, after having served its purpose, is vacuumed up. As this method employs minimal water, it proves beneficial for cleaning materials sensitive to water damage. Post-cleaning, the carpet or upholstery typically takes about an hour to dry completely.

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What are you paying for when you buy a business

What are you paying for when you buy a business?

When you buy a business, you are buying assets of a company but in reality, you are buying a stream of earnings to be earned by those assets. The business assets are a means to make money but if they did not produce a cash flow, you would not be buying those assets.

The assets may have a liquidation value but price that you pay over and above that, the earning power of those assets is the goodwill
of the business.

In order to increase the value of the business, owners will have to have higher income. As a result, there is a possibility that the owner will claim many of the business expenses are personal and do not need to be continued on after he/she left the business and all the family members who are on the payroll are not really needed therefore should be added back in the normalized earnings. Often, owners will state that there is cash sales in the business and that is where the profits can be found.

In my opinion, if you cannot prove the cash sales then they do not exist. If the owner knows that there are cash sales and he knows that he is selling the business, why does he/she not come clean and deposit the cash in the business to prove what the actual sales are?

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Your 10-Step Guide For Ensuring A Successful Office Relocation

Your 10-Step Guide For Ensuring A Successful Office Relocation

An office relocation is not an operation that should be taken lightly. The potential fallout from a poorly planned and executed office relation can negatively impact a business for weeks, or months, and in the worst cases cause a business’s very existence to be jeopardised. Thankfully, those nightmare scenarios are rare, especially if you entrust your relocation to professional Perth removalists.

That is just one of ten steps you should take to ensure that your office relocation goes smoothly, however, while it is probably the most important, it is not the first task you should undertake. Read on, and you will discover all ten, and the order we suggest you follow.

#1 Ensure Your Reasons For Relocating Make Business Sense: Never move your business because it ‘seems like a nice thing to do’. That simply costs money for no real benefit. Relocation should only occur if it makes business sense to do so.

#2 Carefully Select The New Location For Your Business: One of the core reasons for relocating is that it provides your business with benefits, and that is why the specific location you move to is critical. It should be to better or larger premises and take you closer to your suppliers if possible, and certainly closer to your target market.

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5 Fundamental Reasons Why You Should Be Using Digital Marketing

5 Fundamental Reasons Why You Should Be Using Digital Marketing

There will be many small business owners reading this who might not see the merits of setting up and implementing a digital marketing campaign. It might be the word ‘campaign’ that makes it sound like a huge investment of time and money, but in truth a digital campaign can be simple and inexpensive., especially if you want to test it first, to analyse its success.

If even that small, tentative step seems a step too far for a small business owner, then the stark truth is they are harming the potential for their business to succeed and grow. There are lots of reasons why you should be marketing online, but to provide some focus we are going to highlight just 5 of them, albeit 5 very important and fundamental reasons to begin a digital marketing campaign.

Your Prospects  Are Online

Let us start with the most fundamental reason that you should be marketing your small business online, and it is the simple fact that online is where your prospects are. People’s use of the internet has increased enormously in recent years and has further skyrocketed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Going online is also where many people will do their research and look for the products and services they need. If your business does not have a presence of any significance online, as it would if it had embraced digital marketing, then, sadly, no potential prospects are likely to find it.

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6 Ways To Positively Boost Your Brand Using Digital Marketing

6 Ways To Positively Boost Your Brand Using Digital Marketing

In every competitive marketplace, there are several strategies you can use to gain an advantage over your competition, and one of the most effective is to make your brand the one which consumers see as the market leader, or at the very least, a brand which is trustworthy and reputable.

Knowing that a strong brand is necessary to hold sway over your competitors is one thing, but sadly too many business owners do not know how to achieve this successfully. In truth, there are several ways you can positively boost your brand, and arguably the most effective is to utilise digital marketing.

Digital marketing covers a vast array of strategies and channels, and whilst this might seem somewhat overwhelming to some, if you break down your objectives into smaller, manageable goals, then you are well on your way to success. As such, here are 6 relatively simple ways you boost your company’s brand and importantly, protect it once established, using digital marketing.

Foster Good Relations With The Social Media Influencers In Your Niche

Social media is one of the most underused and misused marketing channels online which means many businesses are missing out on a huge opportunity to use it to boost their brand. One of the most effective ways of doing so is to seek out and build a relationship with the influencers in your niche. Just one post from them to their thousands of followers can cement your brand in the minds of those followers, many of whom will fall within your target audience.

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5 Steps To Choosing A Social Media Management Agency

5 Steps To Choosing A Social Media Management Agency

Within any digital marketing campaign that a business undertakes, there are going to be several different elements to it. In addition, who that business employs to implement some or all of their digital marketing, is going to have a huge influence on its level of success.

There are two ways you might approach this which are employing a digital marketing agency that has the resources and the expertise to implant every aspect of a campaign or employ individual marketing agencies which have expertise in specific fields. For example, you might employ 4 different agencies each specialising in  SEO, PPC advertising, branding and social media respectively.

If we take social media specifically, let us consider what you should be looking for in a marketing agency that is going to implant and manage your social media marketing. There are 5 steps that you should take that will give you the best picture of how likely it is any single agency will produce the results from your social media marketing that you are hoping for.

Check Out Their Own Social Media

This is one of those ‘Well, duh’ suggestions that we hope does not insult the intelligence of anyone reading, however, despite being so obvious, you will be amazed how many people overlook it. As with any field of expertise, looking at what an agency does for its own benefit will tell you a lot about what it can do for others. As such, research online to find the social media pages of any agency you are considering and assess the level of activity and content engagement.

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7 Little-Known PPC Advertising Tips To Increase Revenue

7 Little-Known PPC Advertising Tips To Increase Revenue

Any business which includes PPC advertising as part of its digital marketing strategy will want to ensure that the revenue generated is maximised. Whilst it can contribute to this aim by having an effective sales funnel and highly desirable products, there is a further way. That is to optimise its PPC campaign to the maximum, and it can do so by implementing some little-known PPC advertising tactics.

We say ‘little-known’ because even some marketing agencies are not fully aware of them all, and that means that the vast majority of business owners who are trying to use PPC advertising without expert guidance, will definitely not know of them. What this means for you is that if follow these 7 tips to maximise the returns from your PPC campaigns, then your ROI will be far superior to that being seen by your competition.

Quality Score Optimisation

Whilst most people who wish to market their business will be aware that Google ranks websites organically based on the quality of factors such as content and user experience, they may not be aware that Google also applies a quality score to PPC adverts. If you create high-quality ads that convert and which avoid spammy ad copy, Google can reward you with lower costs per click and higher ad positions.

Use More Than One PPC Platform

Google is the biggest PPC platform, but it is not the only one. Facebook, Microsoft (Bing), Twitter, Instagram and many other platforms also offer PPC advertising. This can benefit you in several ways such as lower costs per click, being able to compete for high volume keywords, and to A/B test ads for little cost. Many advertisers with big budgets ignore the smaller ad platforms leaving them open for smaller companies and budgets.

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5 Digital Marketing Trends Which Cannot Be Ignored

5 Digital Marketing Trends Which Cannot Be Ignored

If you were to ask any digital marketing agency what their biggest frustrations were, somewhere near the top there might be something relating to the digital marketing landscape constantly changing. In other words, trying to keep up with the latest trends, updates, software, tools, and tactics, not to mention Google making continual changes to its ranking factors, means you can never rest easy when you are a digital marketer.

Many will argue that they see this as a positive rather than a negative, and we tend to agree. The reason is that it keeps digital marketing vibrant, fresh, and interesting plus it means lazy marketers who are looking for short term fixes, will thankfully fall by the wayside. This leaves professional and dedicated digital marketers to help their clients who appreciate that marketing online is often a long term project and that there are very few shortcuts.

As for digital marketing constantly evolving this means that to have success you must keep up to date with what is happening and what trends are taking hold. That is why we thought it would be worthwhile to highlight 5 of the current trends within digital marketing so that you are not only aware of them, but if you take advantage of them you will have a head start on your competition.

Get Back To Basics

It might seem strange in an article about the latest trends that we start with a heading that says back to basics. However, just as trends in fashion and furniture can go retro occasionally, within digital marketing it seems like many of the simple principles that have stood the test of time are front and centre once again.

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