If you run or own a bridal business, you will know that it can be an extremely competitive marketplace.
Depending on which town or city you are based in and the number of other bridal businesses which exist within your target locations, you will need to do all you can to capture your share of that market and realise the potential revenue it can generate.
This brings you to the point where we must assess what you can do to gain a competitive advantage for your bridal business over the others that seek to attract customers who might otherwise have been yours.
The most basic of these is to cut your prices in the hope of attracting those brides-to-be who are on a tight budget, however, that can create as many problems as it solves.
First, and the most obvious, is it cuts into your margins and whilst you may gain some customers, it could mean that you barely move forward in terms of your profits.
The second, and we believe more serious, is you become known as the ‘bargain basement’ bridal company. We have to question if that is really the branding and reputation you want for your bridal business.
What you instead need to look for are ways of attracting more customers to your bridal business, and doing so without spending so much that any additional profits you create are wiped out with promotional costs.
To that end, we have researched what many successful bridal companies have done to promote themselves at little to no cost. Here are five of the best.
Low-Cost Promotional Idea #1 – Actively Ask For Referrals
One of the most proven and inexpensive ways of generating additional customers is to ask for referrals from your existing clientele.
Word of mouth can be more effective than the most expensive TV ad, as people listen to and trust the advice of their friends and family.
For this to work, offer a small discount both to the client referring another and to the person who comes to you as a result of a referral.
Low-Cost Promotional Idea #2 – Get Involved In Community Projects
As a local bridal business, the more your name and brand are known across that community, the more enquiries you will receive and getting involved with local community projects need not cost a fortune.
Ideas include sponsoring local events or becoming involved with local trade fairs.
You could also sponsor one or more local sports teams and thus see your wedding dress store’s name emblazoned on countless sports kits for all to see.
Low-Cost Promotional Idea #3 – Set Up Collaborations With Other Businesses
This can bring huge results and is an ideal way of gaining customers who may never have approached you.
What you do is contact other local businesses whose products or services relate to yours namely bridal products and weddings.
Examples include wedding car hire firms, venues, wedding cake makers, and so on. Every time they get a lead they recommend your business and vice versa plus if you both offer joint discounts, it works even better.
Low-Cost Promotional Idea #4 – Write Articles For Local Publications
If you have one or more local publications such as newsletters or newspapers, they can be an awesome means to get your bridal company’s name out into the local community.
What you do is approach them and offer to write articles or a hints and tips feature regularly for no cost. If they say yes, you are effectively getting free advertising for an hour or so of writing time, and building brand awareness at the same time.
Low-Cost Promotional Idea #5 – Host Local Events/Classes/Workshops
If you or one of your team are comfortable talking in public or teaching what you know to others, then setting up local events, classes, and workshops where you cover topics related to weddings and bridal fashions can boost your local brand awareness.
In addition, anyone who attends will be impressed with your knowledge and professionalism and thus more likely to recommend you to others.