All You Need To Know About Using Hot Water Extraction To Clean Office Carpets

All You Need To Know About Using Hot Water Extraction To Clean Office Carpets

If you are a business owner who has concluded that the carpets in your premises require cleaning, then you have several options open to you. Commercial cleaning for carpets can be done in many ways and one of them is hot water extraction. Hot water extraction may sound like a term you would associate with a dentist than with carpet cleaning, but rest assured it is a highly effective way of cleaning the carpets in your offices and other areas of your commercial premises.

In this article, we are going to briefly explain what hot water extraction is, how it gets your commercial carpets clean, and the benefits of using it. One point before we start though is that if you want the best results from hot water extraction, then we recommend you only use professional commercial carpet cleaners rather than you or your staff trying it yourself. Using the pros means you are guaranteed clean carpets.

What is Hot Water Extraction?

In truth, hot water extraction, or HWE, is not as technical an operation as it sounds. It works by injecting hot water, which is under extremely high pressure, into carpets. Under these conditions, the water, along with small amounts of mild detergent, comes into contact with the fibres of the carpet with such a force, that it can dislodge dirt, dust, and stains.

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